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Coworking with ShuDon Brown

She's continuous improvement and robotic process automation leader at IBM.
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ShuDon Brown

less than 3 min read

Coworking is a weekly segment where we spotlight Emerging Tech Brew readers who work with emerging technologies. Click here if you’d like a chance to be featured.

How would you describe your job to someone who doesn’t work in tech?

I lead a team at IBM which focuses on improving robotic process automation (RPA), meaning we ensure that efficiency is improved in every step of the automation of business processes at IBM. We ensure that IBM is running as efficiently as possible to better serve our clients, business partners, and stakeholders.

What’s your favorite emerging tech project you’ve worked on?

I am working on a project with a new robotic process automation software called IBM RPA. I’ve been involved with this project as a member of the pilot program, and now I am one of their active developers, training three others in the software. I love this emerging technology because it innovates RPA softwares with a sleek and easy user interface, which includes script and drag-and-drop options.

What emerging tech are you most optimistic about? Least? And why?

I am the most optimistic and least optimistic about the same emerging technology, which is the metaverse and the use of VR headsets. As a gamer, I love the idea and it excites me to see the future of what technology and AI can create. However, I am apprehensive about the idea of promoting extended time in virtual worlds fully immersed with VR headsets.

What’s the best piece of tech-related media you’ve read/watched/listened to?

I love all of AfroTech’s content. It’s great to relate to other professionals in tech and find out about new technology or business ventures people are starting.

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Keep up with the innovative tech transforming business

Tech Brew keeps business leaders up-to-date on the latest innovations, automation advances, policy shifts, and more, so they can make informed decisions about tech.